Before placing an order, please ensure you've read and understood the pricing for these systems.
Initial set up
$680 per camera and includes:
- Portal activation
- Installation of camera on site
Equipment hire
$680 per month for projects that run under 3 months
$500 per month for projects that run over 3 months
- Fast Media timelapse unit
- Nikon camera or equivalent
- Wide camera lense
- Solar panel & mount
- Sim card
Additional extras & services
- Final timelapse video package including 15sec, 1 minute and final cut video / $1,100
- Ability to computer generate videos in seconds through the user portal / $50 per month
- Onsite drone within S.E. QLD only with full raws supplied / $400
- Edited drone videos / $400
- Completion video, onsite filming, internal and external shots, aerial footage tied into timelapse video (S.E QLD) / $2,000